Hot Coco: Interview with Author Izi Vasileva

Q. What was it like for you writing The Prison of Oblivion?
It was very challenging and slow, it took a lot of time to structure my ideas, but it was rewarding at the end when I saw the finished product.

Q. How do you believe The Prison of Oblivion is different then others?
I think in many aspects is similar to other stories because it's a YA novel, it's telling the story of a teenage girl who has to battle life on a daily basis, but I think the difference is that in Storm's story the parents are the core of the problem and the girl is the solution, the story also explores the issue of drugs and I think this may be the main difference with other YA novels.

Q. If you could co-write with an author who would it be?
I have two in mind and I can't decide which one I want more so I would say Veronica Roth because of her amazing ability to create new worlds and Sarah Morgan because of how good she when telling a love story

Q. Do you have an odd writing habits?
I don't know if I would call it an odd habit but I sometimes like to draw the scene before I put it in writing. It helps me visualize the reaction of my characters.

Q. If your book was a song, what song would it be?
Something melodic with a dramatic sad ending, I don't have an exact song in my head.

Q. You're a young writer, what would you tell other young writers?
A. To not be afraid to try, because even if you fail you can try again and do it better or even if keep reading negative reviews about your work make a note of them and use them as constructive criticism, and read a lot it certainly helps.

Q. Is there something you know now about writing, that you wish you know when you first started writing?
A. I wish I knew to write something even if it doesn't sound perfect and then re-write it again, rather than what I was doing spending ages on a single sentence until it sounded good in my head.

Q. Do you have a must have drink when writing?
A. Depends on what time of the day I am writing coffee during the day and tea in the evening.

Q. How do you write by hand or typing?
 Both I scribble ideas on paper and then I construct my chapter by typing.



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