Top 10 Favorite Things by Krysten Lindsay Hager

Top 10 Favorite Things by Krysten Lindsay Hager

1) My Kindle: I love being able to take over a hundred books with me at once. If I’m being honest, the best part about having a Kindle is that if you check out a library book with it, you don’t have to worry about the same things as you would if you borrowed a physical book—such as if the person who read it before you liked to read while sitting on the toilet.

2) Journals: I can never have enough cute notebooks and journals to write it. Sometimes I decide to devote a journal to one thing, then I rationalize that nothing else but that story can be written in it, therefore I must go buy another new one.

3) American Dad: This show has gotten me through so much. I watch it to escape the bad times and to laugh when I need time off. I catch several episodes of it during the week on Cartoon Network and on TBS. Roger the Alien is my spirit animal. I quote the show more than anything else.

4) Pepsi. It is my headache reliever, my comforter, my soother. I drink the real sugar kind and freak out when the store doesn’t have any in stock.

5) Detroit Lions football: yes, they break my heart every single season and yes, I should have learned from the fact my father and grandfather before him also suffered watching season after thankless season. I have to take some responsibility because it’s me who keeps going back. When I was sad watching the first game that was played after my dad passed my mom said, “Well, we have to imagine heaven is better than a Lions game and if it’s not then we’ve all been seriously oversold.”

6) Pacifica soy candles in Lotus Garden: I’m not sure how many I’ve gone through of these, but this is my favorite scent. I also like pairing it with Sandalwood. I imagine the Sandalwood candle is what Ronaldo would smell like…not that I’ve thought about that sort of thing.

7) Terra Sweet Potato Chips: I can’t have regular potato chips, but I can eat sweet potatoes, so finding these was like finding the holy grail of snacking.

8) Nail polish: In Landry in Like,I say that Ashanti is on the never ending quest to find the perfect opaque lavender nail polish. This is my own personal mission in life. I came close once years ago and then they discontinued that shade. One day…one day…

9) My phone: I’m always on my phone checking Instagram, my messages, playing music, and even reading if I’m traveling. But I hate voicemail. Don’t leave me voicemails. Also, don’t read me addresses or spell things to me over the phone. I can’t stand that. I think that comes from having to do that so much in my journalist days. Just text me, email me the info, or hire a sky writer, but don’t say, “Do you have a pen nearby? Can you write this down?”

10) Diana’s Bananas: I am addicted to these frozen chocolate dipped bananas on a stick. I call them choccie bananas and I cannot live without them.


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